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Talking English - Tetun

How are you? (lit. are you well or not?)
O di'ak ka lae?
Not bad. (lit. some good, some bad)
Balu di'ak, balu att
Farewell. (by horse, lit. hold tight the horse)
Hatos kuda di'ak
Farewell. (by foot, lit. see the road well)
Hare dalan di'ak
We have (just) arrived.
Ami to'o ona.
They have arrived (some time ago).
Sira to'o tiha.
We will go tomorrow.
Ami sei ba aban.
He came yesterday.
Nia mai tiha horiseik.
We are going home.
Ami fila fali ba uma.

You can stay as long as you wish.
Where do you live?
Where are you going?
When will you give birth?
When is your birthday?
What is your wife's name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is the time?
What is the name of your village?
What is that?
Oras ne'e, tuku hira?
O nia naran sa? (To servants)
My wife's name is Betty.
My name is John.
My fiend's name is Robert.
Ita tinan hira? (ita=polite)
Ita nia naran sa? (ita=polite)
Ita nia knua naran sa? (ita-polite)
Ita nia kaben naran sa?
Ita hela iha ne'e be? (ita=polite)
Ita futar bele hela nafatin.
Ita fo hahouris uain hira? (or bain hira?)
Ita ba iha ne'e be?
In my house we have two children
Iha ha'u nia uma, ami iha oan rua.
I live in Fatu Kai.
How old are you?
How many days can we stay here?
Ha'u nia naran John.
Ha'u nia kaben naran Betty.
Ha'u nia belu nia naran Robert.
Hau hela iha Fatu Kai.
Bain hira (uain hira) mak o halo o nia tinan?
Ami bele hela iha ne'e, loron hira?
"O" for "you" is familiar usage.
"Ita" is used as you is always polite to strangers.

We want to drive a car.
Ami hakarak atu kair kareta ida.
What time does the bus leave?
Bus ba tuku hira?
What time does the bus arrive?
Bus to'o tuku hira?
The bus arrives at one o'clock.
Bus mai tuku ida.
What is the name of this place?
Iha fatin ida ne'e naran sa?
We want to find a bed.
Ami hakarak atu hetan toba fatin.
We want one bed for tonight.
Kalan ne'e, ami hakarak atu hetan toba fatin ida de'it.
Where is the place for us to sleep?
Ami nia toba fatin, iha ne'e be?
We are looking for an inn (lodging house)
Ami buka pousada ida.
We go overseas at seven o'clock.
Ami ba tasi balu iha tuku hitu.
We will return at two o'clock.
Ami sei fila fali iha tuku rua.
You must take this with us.
O sei lori ida ne'e ho ami.
Can you show me the road to Dili?
Ita bele hatudu ba ha'u, dalan ba Dili iha ne'e be?
I want to talk on the telephone.
Ha'u hakarak atu ko'alia ba arame.
Can I go on the other side of the river?
Ha'u bele ba iha mota balu ba?
Can we travel this road?
Ami bele la'o dalan ne'e?
We want to trabel to the mountains near the Ainaro district.
Ami hakarak ba atu hare foho iha besik Ainaro.
I want to send a letter overseas.
Ha'u hakarak atu jaruka surat ba tasi balu.
Can we go to see Timor dancing?
Ai bele ba atu hare tebedai Timor?
Wait three hours. The we will come back.
Hein to'o oras tolu. Hafoin ami fila fali.

I want to buy food.
Ha'u hakarak atu sosa hahan.
I want to buy fruit.
Ha'u hakarak atu sosa ai fuan.
I want to buy a gold necklace.
Ha'u hakarak atu sosa kaeli osa mean.
I want to buy a gold ring.
Ha'u hakarak atu sosa kadeli osa mean.
We want to buy cigarettes.
Ami hakarak atu sosa sigaro.
Where can we find tobacco?
Ami bele hetan tabaku iha ne'e be?
We want to buy two hands of bananas.
Ami hakarak atu sosa hudi sasuit rua.
We want to buy some woven wallets.
Ami hakarak atu sosa ti'u balu.
We want to buy some tais (indigenous cloth).
Ami hakarak atu sosa tais balu.
Do you sell cloth?
Ita fa'an hena?


What is the name of this food?
Hahan ne'e naran sa?
Is this good?
Ida ne'e di'ak?
Is this water good to drink?
Ue ne'e atu hemu di'ak?
I will only eat vegetables.
Ha'u sei ha modo de'it.
We will eat pork.
Ami bele ha na'an fahi.
We will not accept dog meat to eat.
Ami la kohi ha na'an asu.
Kid meat is all right but I don't want old goat meat.
Na'an bibi oan dia'k mai be ha'u la kohi na'an bibi katuas.
I wish to drink coffee with one spoon of sugar.
Ha'u hakarak atu hemu cafe ho masin midar kanuru ida.


Do those youths go to school?
Labrarik (lauarik) sira ne'e ba eskola?
Is that a nice person?
Ema ida ne'e furak?
When does the school year begin?
Eskola tinan hahu bain hira (uain hira?)
What time does school begin?
Eskola hahu tuku hira?
I want to go to the toilet.
Ha'u hakarak atu ba kakus sentina.
I want to eat sasouru (rice gruel for upset stomach).
Ha'u hakarak atu ha sasouru.
I must take this medicine.
Ha'u sei hemi ai mouruk ne'e.
Put the bandage on this wound.
Tau hena iha kanek ne'e.
You must open the door.
Ita sei loke oda matan.
You must close the door.
Ita sei loke oda matan.
Today we want to go to church.
Ohin, ami hakarak atu ba uma kreda.
Today, we are going to see the market.
Ohin ne'e, ami ba atu hare basar.
Is this your house?
Uma ne'e ita nian.
Where do you live?
O hela iha ne'e be?
Is the government good?
Ema ne'e ukun di'ak?
Will you wash these clothes?
Ita bele fase rope sira ne'e?
I want a shower.
Ha'u hakarak haris.
Do you speak English?
Ita ko'alia English?
The word in English is called ...; what is it in Tetun?
Iha English lia fuan naran ...; iha Tetun naran sa?
How much is this?
Ne'e osan hira?
Does anyone speak English?
Ema rumah hatene ko'alia English?
I can teach you to speak English words.
Ha'u bele hanourin ita atu ko'alia lia fuan English.
It is hot.
Rai manas.
It is wet.
Rai bokon.
It will soon rain.
Udan besik ona.
The wind is strong, therefore it will rain soon.
Anin maka'as, hafoin udan besik ona.
How many children are yours?
Oan hira o nian?
How many wives have you?
O iha kaben hira?
We want to see a cock-fight.
Ami hakarak atu hare futu manu ida.
I want to ride a horse.
Ha'u hakarak sa'e kuda ida.
Maize is traded in the following bundles.
1 bukar = 2 to 3 cobs
10 bukar = 1 talin
10 talin = 1 tur
10 tur = 1 kesak
10 besak = 1 batan

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